
We are activists* and entrepreneurs all rolled into one.

We believe that it’s essentially all our responsibility to begin and contribute to what could be called a preferred future by deciding to act on a scale possible for each of us, small or large. We believe that everyones efforts when united can change things very quickly.

Can we create an economy that combines the opposites of  'blue sky thinking’, of infinite possibilities with a ‘blue sky awareness’ that we live in a biosphere with limitations and bring into being a prosperous, harmonious and secure world? Absolutely! It just needs the right intentions and the right vehicle :)

Join us, and let’s see what we can do.

Happify Earth was founded by Alf Orpen    LINK: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alf-orpen/

*The word activists is generally used for those that “oppose” something and sometimes that is necessary. However, the most important aspect is to actually act, no matter how small one’s contribution seems if one truly wants change.


We are activists* and entrepreneurs all rolled into one. We believe that it’s essentially all our responsibility to begin and contribute to what could be called a preferred future by deciding to act on a scale possible for each of us, small or large. We believe that everyones efforts when united can change things very quickly. 

Can we create an economy that combines the opposites of 'blue sky thinking’, of infinite possibilities with a ‘blue sky awareness’ that we live in a biosphere with limitations and bring into being a prosperous, harmonious and secure world? Absolutely! It just needs the right intentions and the right vehicle :)

Join us, and let’s see what we can do. 

Happify Earth was founded by Alf Orpen    LINK: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alf-orpen

*The word activists is generally used for those that “oppose” something and sometimes that is necessary. However, the most important aspect is to actually act, no matter how small one’s contribution seems if one truly wants change.